Thursday, November 18, 2010

To my love

I focus my mind on you,
That magical face which seems to show your every emotion,
The long beautiful stretch of legs,
And the intelligence of your eyes,
Your voice, the vibration from some invisible instrument of inner being.

You are the kind of lady who in addition,
To your charm and beauty has a certain childlike innocence,
An envious courage,
A curiosity in your craft that would be raised to an art form,
Which gives you a certain rare dignity.

I yearn for the beauty of you,
It isn't just for the loveliness of your face
Your eyes, your hair, your hands,
What would be an affectation on another woman,
Seems perfectly natural with you,

I yearn to see the look of intelligence,
and the sharp warmth of your eyes,
In the very bones of your face,
In the delicate curve of your lips,
That emits such a velvet tone.... as clear as crisp

THough beauty is common in all places,
But in my world goddesses arise and'
Receive the adoration of the world,
For your are a rare goddess; a million to one,
Who have been sent to earth to teach us what beauty really is.

I feel that if I could know you,
Be in your presence and serve you,
The whole world would take a different light,
The moon a different breeze and,
The sun a different heat.


  1. Warm Spirit, Pride is the value you give to love. It is the attitude towards love. Without attitude you will lack ambition and vision. You need pride to cherish love.
